Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Your Turn Your Time

When the 2019 race started i once wrote  a article which was stressing on having new year resolutions now 2019 its over , full of ups and downs yes thats life. Now let us look back grab that book or sticky note where you wrote your resolutions take time to applause your self for what you have accomplished . Having pride in things that you have done its one of the best fuel and in a way its more of a blessing that you will not even get from all those pastors and prophets.

  Take your time also to think of those who helped you in your 2019 journey find a small gift for them or just send a small  message (thank you for being there for me) pray for them and their family who knows  what 2020 holds thats being grateful.

As we wait for 2020 i have a  good  message for you from the book of  Samuel. When Samuel was sent to  Jesse's house to annoint a king which God has provided  upon his arrrival he saw Eliab and said to himself surely the lords anointed is before me but the Lord said do not look on his appearance or the hieght of his stature because i have rejected him. Jesse called all his sons whom he thought of they are the chosen ones  alas  Lord rejected them. But there was our poor David  who was keeping  sheep. Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of brothers. My word to  you is people might know you by your father's name look down at you be it at work or in the society but listen  2020 its your year  the lord has  chosen you, you will be anointed in front of all those who bring you down, promotion at work is on the way,upliftment on your social life is on the way. All this can come to pass if we have clean hearts. 1Samuel 7-8 for the Lord sees not as man sees, man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

There is  a saying  we are made strong  by the  challenges that we face. Thats true in 2019 we all faced challenges and lessons  where learnt from those  challenges now 2020 its the year to show the world how strong you have become because of those challenges. When David wanted to  fight Goliath Saul tried to stop him saying that David was a youth and Goliath was a man of war not knowing cause of challenges David face day a day whilst keeping sheep and not forgetting he was anointed and now he was man enough to fight which he did and killed Goliath. 1Samuel 33-36

On the quest to kill Goliath  David because of the anointing he had what I can refer to as the spiritual eyes and spiritual mind on  the battle ground he didn't focus on the things which were not important  in that  there was Goliaths shield bearer he could have killed him first but he knew that the sheild bearer before Goliath wasn't his problem he didn't even shifted his focus to him. David remained focused with Goliath being his problem . Thats the same spirit we must have as we enter into 2020 let us not waste our time focusing on the things which do not add value into our life's let us have and pray for that divine understanding when we faced with problems surely  2020 will be a blessed year and by his grace and will all battles will be won, all chains will be broken and no spell in your name will work.. 1 Samuel 17:45-46.... May the grace of the  lord be with you in 2020.

Happy new year

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.

Mental slavery affects how people see their own reality. And it has killed most of the people mainly in African.  I thought of sharing with you an article by Brigette Hyacinth 
Author: The Future of Leadership: Rise of Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence, on 7 Ways to Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slaverylink

Although slavery is no longer tolerated, many of us are held captive by limitations placed on us by ourselves or others. My whole life I’ve been told: “You can’t.” 
"The biggest enemy you have to deal with is yourself. If there's no enemy within, then the enemy outside can do us no harm." ~ Les Brown. 
These limitations inevitably lead to many of us suffering from the "Baby Elephant syndrome.” The story is told how elephants are trained. When an elephant living in captivity and is still a baby, it is tied to a tree with a chain or rope nightly. The baby elephant tries with all its might to break the rope but it isn’t strong enough to do so.  It tries and fails many times until realizing its efforts are futile, it finally gives up and stops attempting for the rest of its life. 
Later, when the elephant is fully grown, it can be tied to a small tree with a thin rope and could easily free itself by breaking the rope or uprooting the tree but because its mind has been conditioned by its past experiences, it doesn’t even make the slightest attempt to break free. This powerful animal has confined its present abilities by the limitations of past experiences hence, the "Baby Elephant Syndrome." 
Human beings are similar to the elephant except for one thing, we can choose not to accept the false boundaries created by others or the past. 
 ' The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use it wisely." ~David Cuschieri 
Here are my 7 tips to break the chains that are holding you captive. 
 1. Believe in yourself. You have to believe in yourself ultimately. Always Think big and Dream big. Focus on your strengths and work on developing your shortfalls. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t let circumstances dictate what you are capable of achieving. 
"Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” ~ Cynthia Kersey 
 2. Work hard. Do what you can do. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Take responsibility for where you are. Stop feeling like you’re owed. In life, there are no handouts. If you want something, you owe it to yourself to go out and get it. Nothing worth having comes easy. 
 “Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking that others will do it for you is a sure way to fail.” ~Marva Collins 
3. Be Positive. Turn negatives into positives and make it a growing experiencing. Don’t dwell on others opinions of you or take things personally.  Don’t blame and harbor toxic emotions. It will only hold you back. Let it add fuel to the fire. Envision the future and maintain your focus. 
 “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom. I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.” ~Nelson Mandela 
4. Never give up. Be confident. Ask for what you want. Purpose in your heart that you will keep fighting for your dreams. How many times will you try before you decide to give up? This is your dream and you have to protect it. I try every door until I have exhausted all options and yet I don’t give up. Once there is a will, there is always a way and I am determined to find it! 
"You've only got three choices in life: Give up, give in, or give it all you've got. ~Unknown. 
5. Be Patient - For everything, there is a time and season. The waiting period can be the most difficult but it's important to not let doubt and fear creep in.   
”No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. “You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant” ~Warren Buffett 
6. Have a strong support network. You can’t do it alone. There are days when it becomes too much for you. You may need a little help to get back up. 
“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you.” ~Edmund Lee 
 7. Have faith that things will work out. Some things are out of your control. I trust that God will take me through those difficult moments and this gives me peace even when things don't go my way.  
 “Faith is like the radar that sees through the fog” ~Corrie Ten Boom 
Additionally, as my grandmother would always say, “Make books your friends!” It opens your mind to new possibilities and helps you learn from the experience of others. 
 The saddest state a person can reach is mental slavery. They have already given up. Everyday I counsel individuals and I wish I could make them believe in themselves, but I can’t. They will have to remove the shackles for themselves. This is your life! Don’t let anyone else write your story. Take back the pen and make a great ending! 
 "None can destroy iron but its own rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person, but his own mindset can" ~Ratan Tata. 


  SOMEONE ASKED   [5:41 pm, 16/01/2022] ***: Honestly I don’t maybe I was wrong or maybe not about friendship...all the guys i have been...